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Inclusive Church

In 2021 Grangewood Methodist Church registered to become recognised as an ‘Inclusive Church’. 

This involves us listening and learning more about areas of inclusion, hearing the voice of others, and reflecting on what that means for us to be “a church which celebrates and affirms every person and does not discriminate”. A church which “enables all people to grasp the extensive and embracing love of Jesus Christ”. 


Inclusive Church currently explores six themes. Each theme is introduced in a ‘Come Together’ morning service - and further discussed in an informal Refresh service and in different groups.


The service in church on 5th September introduced the first of the themes: Mental Health. It is said that 1 in 4 of us will experience mental health issues at some time, and this past two years has been so difficult for so many.  Becca Byass, the District Wellbeing Officer, spoke about mental health - that of others and our own. Her words are worth listening to. You can read the sermon on the Grangewood Methodist Church website by clicking on the above hyperlink.


 Following that the theme of Sexuality was introduced; Jenny Jones spoke to us in a morning service in October. Again, the service and her words can be accessed on the blog.


In December Rev Arlington Trotman introduced the theme of Ethnicity. In the subsequent Refresh session we considered awareness of ‘white privilege’, and case studies based on real experience.


And in January the theme of Disability / Differently Abled was introduced: the service is on the blog and, as with the previous ones, is highly recommended.


These services encourage and challenge us to explore what it means to be an ‘inclusive church’ 




For further information: 


The Methodist Church. The Presidential addresses.



The Inclusive Methodist Church.



Inclusive Church

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