Holy Week Reflections - Day 7
I have seen the Lord
The women discover the tomb is empty. He is risen! Based on John 20.11-18
Look Mary is outside the tomb, crying. She sees two angels. ‘Why are you weeping?’ ‘They have taken my Lord.’ Mary sees the gardener. ‘Why are you weeping?’ ‘Tell me where he is.’ Jesus calls her by her name, ‘Mary.’ Mary recognises him, ‘Teacher!’ He says, ‘Go and tell.’ Mary runs, ‘I have seen the Lord!’
Reflect If you had been with Mary in the garden, what would you have done?
Pray for those who are sad and troubled today; for those who have good news to share; for all Christians that they will share the good news of Jesus. Thank God for the whole Easter story
Our holy week reflection comes from ROOTS - © ROOTS for Churches Ltd Weekly worship and learning resources at www.rootsontheweb.com