Prayer vigil - Thy kingdom come
24-hour prayer for Thy Kingdom Come – Wollaton Churches Together
Organiser Elaine Thompson, Lay Reader, St Leonard's Wollaton explains…
It would be really lovely to be able to join with Christians from the Wollaton churches in praying together. The plan is very simple. We are hoping to cover the 24 hour period between 0900 on Saturday 30th and 0900 on Sunday 31st with people committing to pray for a designated one hour slot. I have a "rota" but there is plenty of availability and obviously no limit to the number of people who can pray at any one time!
Obviously we can't meet together, and in order to make it accessible to everyone I am just asking people to pray in their own homes; no IT required! There is no real agenda other than that I am hoping people will wish to pray for the local community and there may be some prayer requests that come out of the "blue ribbons" where people have been encouraged to post a request. I have however compiled some resources to give suggestions for how people might pray for their hour. I can send these out by email. I am also happy to talk to anyone requiring further information.
Many thanks! (email contact to join in or for more info – )